Article name Formation of the Ability to Self-Organization of Children of the Senior Preschool Age
Authors Shemereko A.S.Assistant
Chernik V.E.Candidate of Pedagogical, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Shemereko A. S., Chernik V. E. Formation of the Ability to Self-Organization of Children of the Senior Preschool Age // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 1. PP. 88–97. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-1-88-97.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-1-88-97
UDK 37.03
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of the study of self-organization of children in preschool age in the conditions of sports and recreational activities. Self-organization of the senior preschool child is considered as a quality of the personality which includes the set of functional and personal components and consists in ability of a child not only to organize own activity, but to operate it, to define the purpose also ability to control, analyze and correct own actions. The article reflects the key provisions proving the necessity and possibility of formation of the ability to self-organization in the senior preschool age. An idea of the model of the formation of the ability to self-organization in the process of sports and recreational activities is given. The model includes the idea of physical culture and recreation activities as a resource for the formation of self-organization of children of senior preschool age; organization of various forms of personally significant activities of children of senior preschool age, stimulating the formation and development of the structural components of self-organization from adopting an adult position to co-activity with an adult and further to independent action; principles determining the organization of activities of children of senior preschool age in the formation and development of structural components (principle of reliance on the holistic development of personality, principle of activity, principle of creating a “zone of proximal development”); structural components of self-organization of children of senior preschool age (goal setting, situation analysis, correction, planning and self-control); organizational and pedagogical conditions, criteria and level characteristics of the development of self-organization of children of senior preschool age.
Key words self-organization; self-organization of person; self-organization of senior preschool child; children of senior preschool age, sports and improving activity, formation of ability to self-organization
Article information
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Full articleFormation of the Ability to Self-Organization of Children of the Senior Preschool Age