Article name Evaluation of extracurricular activities effectiveness of university students in the context of the competency-based approach
Authors Pisarenko D.A.postgraduate
Bibliographic description Pisarenko D. A. Evaluation of extracurricular activities effectiveness of university students in the context of the competency-based approach // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. Pp. 25–31. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-2-25-31.
DOI 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2019-14-2-25-31
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the need for evaluating the results of extracurricular activities of university students as an integral part of the educational process and vocational training of students. The author has analyzed the scientific works of recent years on the role of extracurricular activities in high school. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that the competence approach as a methodological basis of the Federal State Standard of Higher Education has influenced the research field of the theory and methodology of vocational education. Extracurricular activities as a factor in influencing the formation of competencies are studied in pedagogical science, but there are no uniform approaches to studying its effectiveness. The author analyzes the concept of “extracurricular activities” in the works of domestic and foreign researchers and concludes that extracurricular activities of students are a form of independent, non-formal, creative, practice-oriented, continuous education (self-education); which is carried out in an organized university environment, based on the principles of personal interest, voluntariness, needs and abilities of students. In the course of the experimental work conducted by the author at Togliatti State University, the author confirms the assumption that the organization of extracurricular activities influences the formation of students’ competences. In this regard, for evaluating the effectiveness and results of extracurricular activities, it is possible to develop a system of diagnostic tools in accordance with the specifics of the university, which will complete the fund of evaluation means of an educational organization.
Key words high school, educational process, extracurricular activities, competencies, efficiency, evaluation
Article information
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