Article name Features of the Responsibility of Students of Higher Education Directions Psychology
Authors Tolstych L.R.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Tolstykh L. R. Features of the Responsibility of Students of Higher Education Directions Psychology // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 103–107. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-103-107.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-103-107
UDK 378.035+378.147
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the study is due to the increasing attraction of public attention to the intellectual, personal and creative potential of the younger generation. A prerequisite for the formation of competencies and an active life position of graduates of higher education who are able to successfully integrate into the system of social relations is responsibility. Responsibility also serves as a criterion for assessing the identity of the system of relationships and interaction with other members of societies. It is known that the professional activity of the psychologist is based on the moral standards. Future psychologists should have a well-developed sense of responsibility, since they should be responsible for the consequences of their activities. This determines the relevance of the research topic. In order to study the characteristics of students’ responsibility, the following methods were used: theoretical, psychodiagnostic, the method of mathematical-statistical data processing (Mann – Whitney U-test). The psychodiagnostic method is presented by the methods: “Diagnosis of responsibility” (by V. P. Pryadein), the method of multifactor personality research by R. Kettell, the method of studying self-relation (IIA test questionnaire) V. V. Stolin and S. R. Panteleeva, “The scale of control over the action” Yu. Kul (ACS). The levels and the corresponding features of responsibility among students-psychologists were singled out. The peculiarities of responsibility of the students-psychologists are analyzed by the content of the regulatory-dynamic and motivational- semantic components. Responsibility was considered in the framework of the study of personality traits, holistic self-attitude and behavior, ensuring the subject’s readiness to undertake obligations and to fulfill them qualitatively. Features motivational – semantic component with a high level of responsibility: sociocentricity, objectivity, meaningfulness and awareness have been analyzed. With a low level of responsibility: self-centeredness and subjectivity have been identified. Features of the regulatory-dynamic component of responsibility – ergichnost, stenichnost with a high level of responsibility, with a low level – airgichnost, asthenia have been stated. Features of self-attitude of psychology students with a high level of responsibility – self-acceptance and self-understanding self-esteem, with a low level – self-accusation and self-guidance, expectation of a positive attitude of others have been pointed out.
Key words responsibility, personality, higher education, value attitude, duty, choice of profession, norms, morality
Article information
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