Article name General Competencies Formation at Mathematics and Natural Sciences Subjects
Authors Lumbunova N.B.teacher,
Bibliographic description Lumbunova N. V. General Competencies Formation at Mathematics and Natural Sciences Subjects // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 62–68. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114- 2019-14-5-62-68.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-62-68
UDK 377.5
Article type
Annotation Middle-level specialists need to have not only professional, but general competencies also in modern conditions. Mathematics and Natural Sciences occupy a significant part in the training program of middle managers. There is a problem of revealing pedagogical conditions for effective formation of general competences in the teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences process. The article is devoted to the pedagogical model implementation for the educational process improving in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which contribute effectively forming general competencies during the first year of training college’s students. At the ascertaining stage, the diagnosing motives and the level of logical operations possession were revealed. At the formative stage, a set of pedagogical conditions was implemented. These include the use of various methods and pedagogical technologies aimed at independent performance of creative tasks, teamwork, group forms of training, implementation of design and research tasks, score-rating system for evaluating results learning and others for effective formation of general competencies of a mid-level specialist. At the generalizing stage, the level of general competencies formation is determined by three competencies components: motivational, cognitive and activity with the use diagnostic tests, interdisciplinary tests and the results of the score-rating system for students assessing the activities. The experiment results have revealed a positive trend in these general competencies components, which allowed us to confirm the hypothesis about the possibility of effective general competencies formation in the teaching mathematical and natural sciences process.
Key words general competencies, system of formation of general competencies, mathematical and natural sciences, motivation for learning activities, diagnostics of the competencies formation level, competency components
Article information
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