Article name Qualifications Standards as Paths for Higher and Vocational Educational Quality Assurance in the Region
Authors Ivanov S.A.Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor,
Starostina S.E.Doctor of Pedagogy
Avdeeva G.S.Candidate of Psychology
Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Bibliographic description Ivanov S. A., Starostina S. E., Avdeev P. B., Dugarova D. Ts. Qualifications Standards as Paths for Higher and Vocational Educational Quality Assurance in the Region // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. РР. 93–102. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-93-102.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-93-102
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation Under conditions of progressive globalization world’s economy, which affects not only traditional markets of goods, capitals and technology but also competence staff, the supply and demand actualizes for various qualifications workforce training. Labour market, as system of social-economical relationship, is characterized by new external factors of workers and specialists’ professional career in replacement of technological modes production as the basis of countries economies’ modernization. Global integration processes create competitive advantages in professional training of labour market’s entities. It is a new educational EU states ‘policy on joint coordination activities in the field of higher and vocational education (the development of the Bologna and the Copenhagen processes). New educational EU states ‘policy is determined in European Higher Educational area by the progressive competition of the Asia-Pacific region with more than 3 billions’ population. The role of qualifications standards as paths for higher and vocational education quality assurance in Russia‘s Far East region is justified in the paper. The paper describes the experience of collaboration between labour market system and educational institutions in the Far East regions. Experience at independent educational audit implementation by International agencies of quality assurance in higher education, educational programs’ professionally – social accreditation, and state accreditation of educational establishment is revealed.
Key words qualifications standards, independent it assessment of the quality of education, vocational education, educational audit, the interaction of the world of work and vocational education
Article information
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Full articleQualifications Standards as Paths for Higher and Vocational Educational Quality Assurance in the Region