Article name Organization of Practice-Oriented Assessment of Educational Results of Future Preschool Teachers by WorldSkills Standards
Authors Ulsutueva O.D.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Lysikova T.S. Senior Lecturer
Tayurskaya N.P.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Ulsutueva O. D., Lysikova T. S., Tayurskaya O. Yu. Organization of Practice-Oriented Assessment of Educational Results of Future Preschool Teachers by WorldSkills Standards // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. РР. 94–101. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-5-94-101.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-5-94-101
UDK 378.146
Article type
Annotation The authors of the article note the relevance of introducing into the educational system of the university the possibility of choosing forms of evaluation of educational results of students, which will reveal the skills of professional activities that are important for the labor market. The article reveals the specifics of the organization of a practice-oriented assessment of the educational results of future preschool teachers according to WorldSkills standards in the conditions of quasi-professional activity, Namely, the characteristics of the activities of the teacher of preschool education, provided in various standards, presented the experience of the participation of teachers of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education of the Transbaikal State University as compatriots and experts in the competition of professional skills WorldSkills Russia, on the basis of which the criteria for evaluating educational results were developed on the examination of the discipline “Mathematical Development of early and preschool children” teachers of pre-school education, as well as described the possibility of organizing a demonstration exam at the university on the example of one discipline. Consequently, the training of a preschool teacher has a special place in the operational component of professional readiness, and the organization of integrated practice-oriented assessment of the educational results of the graduate becomes important in the higher education system.
Key words educational result, evaluation of educational results, activities of the teacher of preschool education, situation of quasiprofessional activity, demonstration exam
Article information
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Full articleOrganization of Practice-Oriented Assessment of Educational Results of Future Preschool Teachers by WorldSkills Standards