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The article substantiates the need to develop a structural and functional model for the formation of professional values in the educational environment of the university. Such a need is due to the lack of requirements in educational and professional standards for the formation of professional values among future economists and the presence of such requirements for a specialist in documents that determine the development of higher education and state youth policy. The author presents the structure of the model for the future economists’ professional values formation in the educational environment of the university, as the interaction of conceptual-targeted, content-activity and criterion-effective blocks. Methodologically, the model is based on the leading provisions of axiological, personality-oriented, competent and environmental approaches and a set of principles, which ensures the creation of an axiologically saturated educational environment in the university and the gradual formation of professional values in future economists in the process of their educational and extracurricular activities. The model is implemented through the axiologization of the content of the training of economists, the development and selection of tasks on a value-meaning basis, the use of didactic tools that activate the activities of students and ensure effective interaction between participants in the educational process. The author describes a criterion-diagnostic complex, which allows to identify the level of a personality’s professional values formation in students according to each of the criteria and establish the degree of effectiveness of all pedagogical influences. |
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