Article name Multicultural Educational Space of a Modern Preschool Educational Organization
Authors Bezrodnykh T.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Bezrodnykh T. V. Multicultural Educational Space of a Modern Preschool Educational Organization // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. PP. 113–122. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-2-113-122.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-2-113-122
UDK 373.24
Article type
Annotation The article actualizes the ideas of multicultural upbringing and education in a modern kindergarten. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, identify trends and systematize the possibilities of creating a multicultural educational space for a preschool educational organization (hereinafter PEO), included in the sociocultural context of a modern preschooler. The author analyzed the theoretical literature on the problems of multicultural education: considered the multicultural and ethnocultural aspects of education, presented the structure of the model and the content characteristics of the multicultural educational space of preschool educational institutions, studied the conditions of the multicultural educational space, analyzed the regulatory documents reflecting its significance; the concept of multicultural education has been clarified. The multinationality of the Russian Federation, the history and culture of our peoples have always been and remain the integrating principle of our state. Education and culture are called upon and have sufficient potential to strengthen solidarity and tolerance both between individuals and between ethnic, social, cultural, religious and linguistic groups, as well as nations. It is not only about the tasks of national importance, the solution of the problems of multicultural upbringing and education of the younger generation lies in the plane of individual civic consciousness and the need to preserve universal human values. The multicultural educational space of a modern preschool educational institution is a system of interacting elements of a sociocultural, multicultural and ethnopedagogical environment in which multiculturally oriented pedagogical activity implements general cultural and general pedagogical functions. The theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the interpretation of modern research on the problem allowed the author of the article to systematize the possibilities and trends in creating a multicultural educational space of modern preschool. To determine the trends in the multicultural educational space of modern preschool educational institutions, a SWOT analysis of the sites of preschool educational organizations was applied, and a survey method was used in relation to parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions to identify the features of multicultural educational spaces of kindergartens.
Key words multicultural educational space of a preschool educational institution, multicultural education, structure of the model of a multicultural educational space of a preschool educational institution
Article information
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