Article name Psychological Safety of Schoolchildren with Different Style Family Education
Authors Kachimskaya A.Y.Candidate of Psychology
Bibliographic description Kachimskaya A. Yu. Psychological Safety of Schoolchildren with Different Style Family Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. Р. 81–91. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114- 2023-18-3-81-91.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-81-91
UDK 37.015.31
Article type Original article
Annotation The article reveals the issues of the importance of the family and family education in ensuring the psychological safety of schoolchildren in interpersonal interaction with teachers. The timeliness and relevance of such a formulation of the problem is due to the contradiction between the lack of psychological competence of parents in the formation of appropriate skills in the child and the need of the student’s personality to experience psychological comfort and safety in situations of school interaction. The aim of the research is to study the style of family education, in which adolescents experience a high subjective level of psychological violence in interaction with teachers. To do this, we used a blank questionnaire, consisting of three blocks that measure the professional characteristics of the teacher, his personal qualities and the teacher’s attitude towards adolescents; E. G. Eidemiller and Justickis. The study has been conducted over several years and included two empirical stages: at the first stage, the subjective experience of psychological safety by adolescents was assessed in interaction with teachers in the classroom, which included a three-component approach – the teacher as a professional; the teacher as a personality and the attitude of the teacher to the student (communicative interaction); At the second stage of the study, parents of only those schoolchildren who experience psychological violence in cooperation with teachers took part in order to determine the style of family education. A comparative analysis of the data obtained allowed us to conclude that three combinations are most often found in this category of schoolchildren: overprotection with an increased level of requirements- prohibitions; hyper-custody with a minimum of sanctions-punishments and an unstable style of family education. Each of these styles creates psychological and pedagogical conditions in the family that prevent the formation in the structure of the child’s personal resources of the competencies necessary to ensure comfortable and psychologically safe situations of interpersonal interaction with the teacher. The data obtained lead to the idea of the family resource purposeful use for the formation in the child’s personality of adaptation models to various situations of school interaction, primarily to situations of psychological discomfort and violence in interaction with teachers.
Key words psychological security of the individual, psychological violence, psychological threats in education, style of family education, family resources, models of psychologically safe behavior, educational relations
Article information
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