Article name Conditions of Forming the Experience of Social Behavior Among Junior School Students in Class of the Course «Talking about Important»
Authors Kalinina L.V.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Kalinina L. V. Conditions of Forming the Experience of Social Behavior Among Junior School Students in Class of the Course «Talking about Important» // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. Р. 66–75. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-66-75.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-66-75
UDK 37.015.3
Article type Original article
Annotation The article presents an analysis of studies on the formation of the experience of social behavior among junior school students, the preparation of teachers for the organization of this process. The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions of forming the experience of social behavior in primary general education. Such research methods as terminological and comparative analysis of scientific literature, generalization and synthesis of the studied materials, study and analysis of methodological literature, designing methods of pedagogical activity were used. The article notes that the experience of social behavior is positioned as an important personal education with the introduction of the updated Federal State Standard of Primary General Education; its study is not sufficiently reflected in the scientific and pedagogical literature. The study presents a description of the concept of «experience of social behavior»: its features are highlighted, the components are revealed in a meaningful way. The position of the author is indicated, in which, in the formation of the experience of social behavior of junior school students, the priority role is given to the personality of the teacher. The personal and professional components of readiness for the implementation of this pedagogical activity are revealed. The position has put forward and substantiated that the content of the extracurricular activity course «Razgovory o vazhnom» contributes to the formation of the experience of social behavior. However, elementary school teachers find it difficult to design ways to form the entire set of its components. The possibilities of the content of classes have been studied on the example of the topic «We are different, we are together». Methods for adjusting classes, taking into account the formation of the experience of social actions, are proposed. The conducted research confirms the need to comprehend the theoretical foundations and ways of practical solutions related to the social behavior of junior school students, which requires the improvement of methods of pedagogical activity.
Key words junior school student, experience of social behavior, readiness of teacher, components of a teacher’s readiness, extracurricular course «Razgovory o vazhnom»
Article information
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Full articleConditions of Forming the Experience of Social Behavior Among Junior School Students in Class of the Course «Talking about Important»