Annotation |
Like education for sustainable development, human rights education is one of the strategic directions
of modern education, acting as one of the leading mechanisms for solving socio-ecological and economic
problems at the global, national, regional, institutional and individual levels. The article reveals the historical
background of human rights education, shows its importance both in general and, in particular, for the Republic
of Indonesia, one of the largest countries in the world and Southeast Asia. The study of human rights
in Indonesia is presented in the context of the formation and development of statehood and the education
system since prehistoric times, during the colonial era, the period of growth of national consciousness, the military
regime and modern democratic reforms. The pedagogical features of the implementation of the National
Human Rights Action Plan (from 2004 to the present) are characterized. A number of educational programs
(2013 program, emergency program, Merdeka program) and courses (“Civic Education”, “Religion”, “Geography”,
“Social Studies”, “Citizenship”, “Citizenship and Human Rights”, “Human Rights”, etc.) are presented, as well as pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques used in the process of their implementation in
secondary schools and universities. A number of problems related to the traditions of the national education
system have been identified, and possible solutions have been proposed. In general, it seems advisable to integrate
education for sustainable development and in the field of human rights, which will lead to a synergistic
effect that increases mutual effectiveness in the realization of the universal right of every human being – the
right to development. |
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