Article name Student Guidelines in Relation to the Disabled Youth
Authors Bayasgalanmunkh Baatar ..Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, Professor
Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren ..
Oyungerel Khusman ..Doctor of Medicine
Dulamzhav Purevdorzh .. Doctor of Medicine, Clinical Professor
Bibliographic description Bayasgalanmunkh Baatar, Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren, Oyungerel Khusman, Dulamzhav Purevdorzh. Student Guidelines in Relation to the Disabled Youth // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 1. Р. 70–79. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2024-19-1-70-79.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-1-70-79
UDK 378:376(470+571)(517.3)
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of tolerant attitude formation to the students with special educational needs studying humanitarian, social and engineering specialties (Transbaikal State University, Russia) and medical specialties (Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Mongolia). The authors reveal the peculiarities of understanding disability as a social problem that must be solved by the modern society. The authors believe that educational institutions should become the main centers for educating young people to be tolerant of people in need. The presence of an inclusive educational environment supports the effective cooperation of all students, as well as the integration and socialization of students with special educational needs. In the article special attention is paid to individual value attitudes of students and their world view in relation to special students. The aim of the research is to determine the features of Russian and Mongolian students’ attitude towards their fellow students with special educational needs. The research has embraced 307 students: 184 persons studying in the humanities and natural science are the students from the Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia, and 123 persons are students receiving medical specialties from the Mongolian University of Darhan, Ulaanbaatar. The author questionnaire included three sets of questions: socio-demographic, knowledge of disability in countries, comparative indicators of tolerance for the disabled, and willingness to cooperate with groupmates with special educational needs. According to the results of the study, it has been found that the majority of students of the Transbaikal State University and the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences have information about disability problems and about the need to provide equal rights to all categories of citizens. It is revealed that students understand the need to create special educational conditions. The practical significance of the work is determined by the possibility to use the results obtained in the development of programs and projects related to inclusive education and tolerance.
Key words inclusive education, students, disability, university, tolerance
Article information
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