Article name he Role of the a Kindergarten Educational Environment in the Ethnocultural Development of Children of Early and Preschool Age
Authors Bezrodnykh T.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Bezrodnykh T. V. The Role of the Еducational Environment of a Kindergarten in the Ethnocultural Development of Children of Early and Preschool Age // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. Р. 71–79. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-71-79.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-71-79
UDK 373.24
Article type Original article
Annotation The significance of the ethnocultural development of the younger generation is difficult to overestimate based on modern sociocultural trends that have a pronounced global character: the complexity of intercultural and interethnic communication at the interstate, business and interpersonal levels; openly or covertly aggressive “message” of the media; rapid urbanization and accelerated pace of life neutralize the ethnocultural component of education and socialization; gradual devaluation of family values, changes in marriage and family attitudes, and many others. etc. The author of the article has made an attempt to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the influence of the educational environment of a kindergarten on the ethnocultural development of children of early and preschool age. The problem of the research is to identify the potential of the educational environment and its influence on the ethnocultural development of kindergarten children. The main research methods are system analysis, including theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem; analysis of pedagogical experience and practice of creating an ethnocultural environment in a kindergarten. To achieve the goal of the study, the practice and experience of enriching the educational environment of kindergartens in the Transbaikal Region (Agin Buryat Autonomous Okrug) with ethnocultural content has been studied. An analysis of practice and experience has allowed the author to highlight some elements of the ethnocultural environment of a kindergarten (using the example of the Ulger kindergarten in the village of Aginskoye, Transbaikal Region); determine positive changes in the ethnocultural development of children of early and preschool age: ideas about the culture, traditions of the Buryat, Russian and other peoples of the Russian Federation, emotional and value meanings are enriched, the culture of behavior includes a respectful attitude towards the past, present and future of the multinational people of the country, ideas of National Conservation of the Russian Federation are successfully implemented.
Key words ethnocultural development, educational environment of kindergarten, developing subject-spatial environment, early and preschool age, ethnomaterial, ethnoculture
Article information
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Full articlehe Role of the a Kindergarten Educational Environment in the Ethnocultural Development of Children of Early and Preschool Age