Annotation |
The relevance of considering modern approaches to teaching the history of the Russian language in the training of philologists and teachers of literature and at the university is unconditional, since the achievements of recent decades in linguistics and linguodidactics require the addition and updating of the traditional methodological platform in order for teaching to be effective. There is also no doubt that diachronic linguistic knowledge is in demand, because without it philological education will be flawed, will not give an understanding of the historical variability of the language and will not allow you to see the continuity of historical and modern linguistic transformations, to understand the causes and essence of modern linguistic processes and predict trends of future changes in the Russian language. The purpose of the article is to consider the linguodidactic methodology and the content of linguistic disciplines of the diachronic cycle in the context of modern philological education (using the example of the undergraduate and graduate curricula of the Transbaikal State University, which train teachers of literature and philology). The method of linguodidactic analysis of methodology is used, theoretical and practical content of disciplines on the history of the Russian language are discussed. Russian methodological and didactic principles, such as dialectical, historical-chronological, linguistic-cultural, continuity and argumentation, based on them, the content and practical tasks on the history of the Russian language, including tasks with individual examples and texts of different chronological sections of the language, including modern Russian, requiring historical and linguistic analysis and commentary contribute to effective formation of linguistic competence among students and undergraduates studying linguistic disciplines of the diachronic cycle. Russian history course programs are developed and implemented by future philologists and teachers of literature at the Transbaikal State University. The authors have showed the manifestation of the formulated methodological principles of teaching the history of the Russian language and revealed the features of linguodidactic methodology in the context of modern requirements of the educational standard and using examples of thematic planning of the content of linguistic disciplines of the diachronic cycle, various tasks and exercises.
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