Article name Development of Emotional Intelligence of Schoolchildren in Literature Lessons in Grades 5–6
Authors Ibragimova M.E.Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Ibragimova M. E. Development of Emotional Intelligence of Schoolchildren in Literature Lessons in Grades 5–6 // Scholarly Notes of the Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 4. Р. 45–52. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-4-45-52.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-4-45 -52
UDK 372.882
Article type Original article
Annotation The issues of emotional perception have been of interest to researchers of literature teaching methods throughout the development of science. However, modern trends in education have shifted the focus of attention from this topic, directing teachers to implement a pragmatic approach to teaching, including subjects of the aesthetic cycle. The recent inclusion of the new term “emotional intelligence” in the federal state educational standard has made it possible to actualize the topic of developing the emotional sphere of schoolchildren. The study of existing works showed a superficial methodological understanding of the issue – at the level of describing individual methods of developing emotional intelligence. The purpose of this article is to create a system for developing schoolchildren’s emotional intelligence while literature lessons in 5–6th grades. To achieve the proposed goal, the author uses the following theoretical research methods: dialectical method (analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization); methods of teaching literature: problem-based method (V. G. Marantsman), research method (M. G. Kachurin); methods of cognitive activation of artistic reception. Empirical methods: designing in literature lessons; introduction of various methodological forms of teacher and students working together. The results of the analysis allow the author to make the following conclusions: to outline the methodological basis for working on the emotional intelligence of adolescents in literary education, as well as to present a system for its development in literature lessons for 5–6 grades, which is built according to the psychological research and regulatory requirements for the organization of teaching at school. Consistent teaching of understanding one’s own emotional and aesthetic perception and the “sensory” component of the author’s and characters’ appearance will allow the teacher not only to raise the level of emotional intelligence of schoolchildren, but also to deepen their understanding of the ideological and semantic component of the literary text.
Key words emotional intelligence, system of emotional intelligence development, literature, literary education, federal state educational standard
Article information
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