Article name Regional Сomponent as an Indicator of Preschool Education Quality: to the Formulation of the Problem
Authors Shevchenko , ; , V.S.Postgraduate
Bibliographic description Shevchenko V. S. Regional component as an Indicator of the Quality of Preschool Education: to the Formulation of the Problem // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 4. P. 115–124. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-4-115-124.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-4-115-124
UDK 378.046.4:373.24/31
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to the formation of love for the small homeland in preschool children and the influence of the regional component on the quality of preschool education. The relevance of the study is due to the need to improve the system of preschool education and upbringing of preschool children, the formation of love for the small homeland and civic identity. The author substantiates the need to form patriotic feelings in the younger generation, starting from preschool age and the professionalism of preschool teachers contributing to the creation of an educational space where children get a holistic understanding of their family, native land, country. The following research methods are used: analysis of scientific literature, monitoring, analysis of monitoring results, comparative analysis method. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis and comparison of the results of monitoring the quality of preschool education and the All-Russian test on the subject “World Around Us” in primary school, as well as in the development of a set of measures aimed at improving the implementation quality of the regional component in preschool education in the Amur Region. The goal is to identify and eliminate professional difficulties in the formation of children’s knowledge about their native land. The objective is to offer teachers recommendations and a set of measures to improve the educational process in order to develop love for their small homeland and civic identity in children. It is assumed that in the future this will influence the improvement of preschool education quality of the tenth area of monitoring quality. The problem of the study is insufficient formation of knowledge about their native land and education of patriotism and civic identity in preschool children. The findings of the study indicate the need to improve the system of preschool education and upbringing of preschool children, to develop love for their small homeland and civic identity. The results of the study are of practical importance for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers, methodologists, teachers of secondary and higher vocational educational institutions. The prospects of the study include the creation of a methodology for internal and external assessment of the regional component implementation based on the developed indicators for monitoring the quality of preschool education, as well as the development of a model for the regional component implementation in improving the qualifications of preschool teachers in order to improve the preschool education quality in the Amur Region based on the presented set of measures.
Key words quality of preschool education, regional component, monitoring of preschool education quality, patriotic education, preschool children
Article information
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Full articleRegional Сomponent as an Indicator of Preschool Education Quality: to the Formulation of the Problem