Article name Motivation as a Factor of Activating a Sportsman in Mini-football
Authors Serezhnikova R.K. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Chernykh Y.V. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Applied Research
UDK 37.022
Article type
Annotation The absence of the rigid attachment between the motif and the activity of the athlete can perform interesting transformations in the structure of the motivational sphere: spontaneously occurring and purposefully operating (educational). The essence of the mechanism of motivational fixation which consists in the interaction of emotional experiences, their summation, merge or mutual suppression, is manifested in the sportsman’s factors of polymotivation: priorities of certain motifs, the sequence of their actualization, etc. Motivation is a dynamic condition of the student’s behavior on the scheme “stimulus – reaction – motivation – result” in the context of which motivation takes the form of self-organization of the behavior with the formation of functional mechanisms to ensure effective implementation of abilities, combined by motives and attitudes focused on the intended target. This allows us to emphasize motivation as a factor in enhancing the students’ self-control in the women’s mini-football team which is presented in the recommendations to the coach.
Key words motif, motivation, mini-football, activization, coach.
Article information
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