Article name Auditing the Information and Methodological Resources at the Secondary Vocational Education Institution
Authors Pedynina E.I. postgraduate student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.046.2
Article type
Annotation The article considers the introduction of the external audit to monitor the activities of secondary professional education institutions. The research results consist in the development and practical realization of the technology used to audit the information and methodological resources at the secondary vocational education institution. The author focuses on the concepts of “informatization”, “audit”, “audit of the educational institutions activity”, “professional competence”. The article outlines purposes, stages of the audit, represented by certain audit indicators, defined methods of collection of audit evidence. Attention is paid to some components of auditors’ professional competence, and the problem of the audit criteria development. The paper also describes the requirements for the audit reports, presents the analysis of the results achieved during the three years’ experimental study. The research results lead to the conclusion about the practical value of the educational audit under the conditions of the developing system of independent evaluation of the vocational education quality in Russia.
Key words audit, information and methodological recourses, library, informatization, indicator, criterion, evaluation.
Article information
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Full articleAuditing the Information and Methodological Resources at the Secondary Vocational Education Institution