Article name Innovation in Formation of Professional Competence of Future Teachers
Authors Atamanchuk P.S. ,
Chaykovskaya I.A. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.011.3–051:53
Article type
Annotation The article deals with research and problem solving in ensuring the competence and world view formation of future teachers on the basis of personal-oriented education. Materials are the reflection of the collective intellectual product to create a complete didactic system to form competence and world outlook formation of future physics teachers based on certain personal goal orientations. The ways of innovative solution of the problem quality management of students’ learning results in the condition of personal-oriented teaching and modern educational paradigm and objective monitoring of educational-cognitive activity are considered in the article. This article illustrates the implementation mechanism of technology of binary target programs as an important mechanism for the formation of the professional competence and outlook of future physics teachers (teacher’s own credo). In general, it is found that the only objective monitoring learning results and real procedure management of competencies formation can provide predictability and quality of the future teachers’ professional development.
Key words personal-oriented education, objective control, management, methods of Physics teaching, management of quality in education, results, competence, world outlook, pedagogical credo.
Article information
References 1. Atamanchuk P. S., Panchuk O. P. Didaktichnі osnovi formuvannya fіziko-tekhnologіchnikh kompetentnostey uchnіv: monografіya. Kam’yanets-Podіlsky: K-PNU, 2011. 252 s. 2. Atamanchuk P. S., Samoylenko P. I. Didaktika fiziki (osnovnye aspekty): monografiya. M.: Moskovsk. gos. un-t tekhnology i upravleniya; RIO, 2006. 245 s. 3. Natsіonalna ramka kvalіfіkatsіy // Osvіta. 2012. № 1–2 (5488 – 5489). S. 11–13.
Full articleInnovation in Formation of Professional Competence of Future Teachers