Article name Metadisciplinary Orientation as one of Mathematics Learning Process Key Features
Bibliographic description Naumova M. V. Metadisciplinary Orientation as one of Mathematics Learning Process Key Features // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 96–104.
UDK 371.38
Article type
Annotation According to the Federal State Educational Standards requirements, modern mathematics learning process should correspond to metadisciplinary orientation. Such correspondence gives wide scope for the development of not only metadisciplinary, but personal and disciplinary learning outcomes in the context of mathematics integrity and its importance. Having analyzed the peculiarities of mathematics teaching process in the secondary school, we concluded that this discipline is fully oriented on developing of metadisciplinary competence as a form of metadisciplinary orientation concept implementation. The article data substantiates the structure and objectives of students’ lead-up to the development of their metadisciplinary competence, presents complex diagnostic programme to screen metadisciplinary learning outcomes dynamics in the process of studying mathematics in the 5–6 forms of comprehensive school. To depict the programme effectiveness, the results of experimental research work on metadisciplinary competence development on the example of motivational orientation index are presented. Research data indicate that secondary school students’ metadisciplinary competence development based on mathematics learning field allows us to guide the learning process to metadisciplinary orientation most effectively.
Key words mathematics in secondary school, metadisciplinary rientation, mathematics training structure, learning process participant, diagnostic programme, motivational orientation
Article information
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