Article name Study on the Effect of Compensating Abilities of Screw-Forming Tapping on the Stability of Tapes
Authors Romanova L.S.Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 621.9.01
Article type
Annotation The influence of compensatory abilities of cartridges on the sustainability of taps for the four-screw forming cartridges — rigid, floating, swinging, variable structure is investigated. The author presents the regression analysis and graphic representation of experimental data, determining the influence of the compensating abilities of ammo on the stability of the tool when cutting threads in the initial moments of the operation. It is established that the tape of variable structure provides the tap on the orientation phases the high degree of stability, and, consequently, higher quality of the processed holes.
Key words compensating capacity, cartridge, screw tap, thread cutting, regression analysis, graph, matrix, skew angle, bending force.
Article information
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Full articleStudy on the Effect of Compensating Abilities of Screw-Forming Tapping on the Stability of Tapes