Article name Distance Educational Technologies in the Socio-Cultural Space of a Preschooler
Authors Bezrodnykh T.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Bezrodnykh T. V. Distance Educational Technologies in the Socio-Cultural Space of a Preschooler // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. РР. 70–81. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-70-81.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-70-81
UDK 373.24
Article type
Annotation The article actualizes the issues of implementation of distance educational technologies in the socio-cultural space of preschoolers. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, systematize the possibilities of using distance educational technologies in the development of the socio-cultural space of a modern preschooler. The author has analyzed the theoretical literature on the problems of sociocultural space, sociocultural experience of preschoolers, digitalization of preschool education. The sociocultural space of preschoolers’ development is represented by the world of adults, which simulates the socio-cultural situation of the child’s development, the space of subjects and relations, and the space of moral, ethical and legal norms, as well as the space of interaction between organizations and the family as the main institution of the child’s socialization. Distance educational technologies are more focused on meeting the needs of the child in communication with parents and loved ones; develop trusting relationships; contribute to the strengthening of family ties, since they reduce the forced disunity of generations; create a positive image of family and family upbringing. Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, interpretation of modern research of the problem has allowed the author of the article to systematize the possibilities of using distance educational technologies in the socio-cultural space of preschoolers. To determine the effectiveness of the use of distance learning technologies in the socio-cultural space of a preschooler, a SWOT analysis of web services of preschool educational organizations was applied, and a survey method was used to identify the degree of satisfaction of teachers and parents with the implemented distance format in kindergarten.
Key words distance educational technologies, preschooler, preschool education, sociocultural space, sociocultural experience
Article information
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