Article name On the Efficient Solution of Boundary Value Problems in Inhomogeneous Fields Plane
Authors Gurimskaya I.A. Senior teacher of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Gurim567@rambler. ru
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 517.956
Article type
Annotation The first and third boundary value problems, respectively, in the strip and half-plane for the divergence equation with a quadratic coefficient that simulates the steady-state processes in heterogeneous environments are considered. By the method of convolution of Fourier expansions the solution of the problems expressed in terms of solution of the Dirichlet problem in a homogeneous half-plane.
Key words boundary value problem, the divergence equation, the method of convolution of Fourier expansions.
Article information
Full articleOn the Efficient Solution of Boundary Value Problems in Inhomogeneous Fields Plane