Article name Criteria for Forming a Communicative Space in the Student Environment: Immersion in Creativity
Authors Volkova I. . Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Urazova S.L. Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Pisareva M.N. Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Volkova I. I., Urazova S. L., Pisareva M. N. Criteria for Forming a Communicative Space in the Student Environment: Immersion in Creativity // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 1. PP. 75–81. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-1-75-81.
UDK 378.147
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-1-75-81
Article type
Annotation Using the example of educational methods of the Faculty of Philology of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Journalism), the article actualizes two problems – the formation of communicative and cognitive space in the student environment, which includes a range of meta-communicative and metacognitive mechanisms, and the methods used by teachers to teach students in the transfer of new knowledge in order to learn the future journalists professional skills and competencies. One of the most difficult aspects of learning is considered as a model, namely, the process of evolutionary development of critical thinking and the accumulation by students of their creative potential, expressed in the semantics of media text. The basis of the author’s method analyzed in the article, verified over the years, is the atmosphere of trust built between the teacher and students from the first years of training. This method motivates, on the one hand, yesterday’s schoolchildren to learn knowledge codes, professional techniques of lexical expressiveness, on the other hand, it accelerates the process of immersion in creativity, and forms independence in choosing a topic and genre of journalistic material. Insufficient attention is paid to the creation of a communicative-cognitive space in scientific discourse, while such a comfortable environment serves as the basis for the formation of a creatively thinking and creative personality, open to the assimilation of new cognitions, the knowledge of the objective world.
Key words media education, journalism, teaching method, communicativeness, cognitive space, creativity, creation
Article information
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