Article name Мonitoring mechanisms of education quality management in a preschool education institution
Authors Dubeshka N.G. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Dubeshka N. G. Мonitoring mechanisms of education quality management in a preschool education institution // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. Pp. 110–115. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2019-14-2-110-115.
UDK 373.2.014.6 (476) (043.3)
DOI 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2019-14-2-110-115
Article type
Annotation The conceptual foundations of education quality management are substantiated in the article, including methodological approaches, determination of the essence of preschool education quality management, reflecting the external and internal structure of the education quality, and the criteria and indicators of preschool education quality management effectiveness (goal setting, planning, organization, monitoring and analysis), (focus, analyticity, predictability, reliability, resource efficiency, focus on improvement, motivational nature of management). Monitoring mechanisms of preschool education quality management are determined: planning and allocation of resources; expertise; day-to-day management; control and comprehensive assessment. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the use of monitoring mechanisms of the education quality management in a preschool education institution are identified: 1) academic training of heads of pre-school education institutions in the formation of professional competencies in the field of education quality management; 2) consulting the heads of pre-school education institutions on the design and practical use of monitoring mechanisms; 3) the technologization of management and intensification of the main activity in the institution of pre-school education. Resource support of monitoring mechanisms of education quality management in a preschool education institution was developed and tested, including diagnostic materials, training and curriculum documents, methodological recommendations, scientific and methodological support, handout, visual and illustrative material.
Key words quality management, management mechanisms, monitoring mechanisms, quality of preschool education, management efficiency, organizational and pedagogical conditions
Article information
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