Article name Potential for Teaching Intellectual Activities to Schoolchildren in Culture-Oriented Linguistic Methodology
Authors Vasilyeva N.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Vasilyeva N. V. Potential for Teaching Intellectual Activities to Schoolchildren in Culture-Oriented Linguistic Methodology // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. Р. 88–97. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-88-97.
Section Theory and methodology of basic and secondary school education
UDK 372.881.161.1
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-88-97
Article type Original article
Annotation The system-activity approach as a methodological basis of modern general education updates schoolchildren’s learning in activity. Methods of teaching Russian native language describe special features of forming knowledge, abilities, skills and competences in educational, cognitive, speech and problem-solving, textual and other types of activity. At the same time, culture-oriented linguistic methodology has not sufficiently studied the potential for teaching intellectual activities to schoolchildren. The study aims at identification of this potential. The author has suggested a hypothesis according to which intellectual activity of schoolchildren is cognitive, research and creative, aimed at the development of students’ intelligence. It is also assumed that in culture- oriented teaching of Russian it is possible to teach schoolchildren intellectual activity through the enrichment of their mental experience, development of intellectual abilities, and formation of cognitive style. The methodological basis of the study is the system-activity approach to teaching and the ontological theory of intelligence by M. A. Kholodnaya. Based on the analysis of scientific literature on the topic of the study, generalization and systematization of the data obtained; it is concluded that intellectual activity is student’s educational and cognitive, research and creative activity, which enriches student’s cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive and emotional-evaluative experience, develops his intellectual abilities, forms his cognitive style. In culture-oriented teaching of Russian, it is possible to promote the formation of students’ declarative and procedural schemes, to develop semantic, categorical and conceptual abilities of schoolchildren, to teach arbitrary control of activity, to form student’s worldview attitudes and value orientations as a basis for beliefs. The results of the study can be used in culture-oriented teaching of the Russian (native) language to design the process of teaching intellectual activity to schoolchildren. Further research is needed to substantiate and develop an effective technology that will allow us to implement this kind of teaching.
Key words intelligence, ontological theory of intelligence, intellectual activity of a school student, culture-oriented linguistic methodology, teaching Russian
Article information
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Full articlePotential for Teaching Intellectual Activities to Schoolchildren in Culture-Oriented Linguistic Methodology