Article name Anarcho-capitalism. The Absence of Power and Free Market Economy
Authors Polyakov D.B. Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 339.13.012.42
Article type
Annotation Feature of the majority socio-political concepts, offering the most optimal way of development and organization of society, from their point of view, is their adaptation to the realities in which the social development is situated at the moment. Often this adaptation is of a nature contradicting to theoretical basis of some socio-political concept. The article discusses the conception of anarcho-capitalism which is an unusual synthesis of anarchism antistate ideas and the liberal-market economic principles. This synthesis is unusual because anarchismhistorically formed in line with the ideas of socialistwing and radically criticized the market relations in the economy, emphasizing their relationship with the institution of the state.The article highlights the ideas of the founder and chief theoretician of market anarchism Murray Rothbard. Analysis of anarcho-capitalism performed also in connection with the general theory of libertarianism, in line of which indicated concept has developed. The topic discussed by the authoris related to actual problem of the ratio of political and economic areas of social life. Complicated mechanism of this ratio acquires special importance in times of crisis and social disruption. Precisely in such a time economic instability reflected on policy of the statewhich seeks to the total regulation of economic activity of society that does not always have positive consequences.
Key words capitalism, market, state, anarchism, libertarianism.
Article information
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Full articleAnarcho-capitalism. The Absence of Power and Free Market Economy