Series Philology, History, Oriental Studies 2014, №2(55), №2 2014

    Russian Philology

Akhmetova G. D.
The Spiritual Space of the Text
Butilskaya L. V.
Communicative Multi-functionality of the Russian Congratulating Card
Gashinova Y. S.
Lexical Means with Spatial Limit Meaning as an Object of Linguistic Research
Dmitrienko O. A.
Game Landscapes and Their Classification in Nabokov’s Russian Prose
Dubinskaya M. V.
Childish Associations in the Work by F. Dostoyevsky and in the Novel by Alain-Fournier «The Big Meaulnes»
Kaznacheev S. M.
The Concept of «Brotherhood» as Dostoyevsky’s Ethical Covenant
Kiynova Z. K.
Stylistic Notes of Slavonic Words in the Russian Language Academy Dictionaries of Different Eras (the XVIII–XXI Centuries)
Muratova E. Y.
The Artistic Role of Occasional Lexicon in E. Evtushenko’s Creativity
Rabdanova L. R.
The Usage of the Phenomena of Graphic Markedness in the Literary Text (based on the Novel by G. Sadulayev “I am a Chechen!” and D. Gutsko’s Novel “Russian-Speaking”)
    World Philology

Borisova I. Z.
The “Chinese”/“Chinois” Ethnonym in Ethnofaulisms on the Example of the French Language
Volkova T. I.
Tendencies of the Foreign Vocabulary Assimilation Process in the Modern German Language
Kerimov R. D.
Fedyanina L. I.
Theonymic Precedent in German Social Communication
    Oriental Studies

Bazarov A. A.
Parchin Literature in Buryatia: from Indian Classic Works till Works of Tzongkhapa and his Pupils
Chertykova M. D.
Verbs of Negative Ethical Assessment in the Khakass Language

Dzhazoyan A. E.
The Fifth Estate Illusion: How Social Networks Influence on Journalism Practice
Erofeeva I. V.
Energy Exchange in the Space of Contemporary Media Text
Shestyorkina L. P.
Borchenko I. D.
Basic Descriptions of New Social Media
    Professional Education

Akhmetova M. N.
Problem of Students’ Emotional Inclusion at Image, Era, Situation (Hypothesis of Possible Solutions of Tasks of the New Standard of Teachers’ Professional Competences as a Collective Activity)