Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology № 3(56), №3 2014

    Scientific Research

Viytovich O. I.
Operational Reliability Coefficient as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Wind Turbines at the Design Stage
Galakhov A. V.
Zelensky V. A.
Zabelin S. F.
Corundum Ceramics from the Powders Received from Amorphous Alumogel
Gordeev R. N.
Application of the Homogeneity Analysis for the Visualization and Analysis of Heterogeneous Data
Zayarny A. A.
Diversification of Dry Mixtures Manufacturing Based on High-Quality Cement
Zvyagintsev N. V.
Gordeev R. N.
Architecture of Distributed Software Environment for Theoretical Studies of Chemical Systems
Zelensky V. A.
Zabelin S. F.
Improvement of Synthesis Technology of Silver Nanopowders
Kalashnikov I. Y.
Bolotova L. K.
Kobeleva L. I.
Podymova N. B.
Karabutov A. A.
Application of Laser Optoacoustic Method for the Study of Elastic Modules of Metal Matrix Composite Materials, Modified by Refractory Nanoparticles
Krylov S. D.
Investigation of the Super-Cooled Water State in the Pores of Silicate Materials by Low-Frequency Noise Method
Kuznetsova N. V.
On the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem in a Piecewise Homogeneous Band with the Two-layer Film Inclusion
Lukyanov P. Y.
Petrov O. I.
Gurulev A. A.
Orlov A. O.
Seasonal Changes of Hydro-Physical Parameters of the Lake Doroninskoye
Machikhina , () I. O.
Kholodovsky V. Y.
Dynamic and Emissivity Characteristics of Inter-Atomic Dipoles of Metals in the Model of the Van Der Waals Interactionn
Panina, () T. Y.
The Use of Integrated Assessment in Determining of the Economic Efficiency of Alluvial Deposits Development
Stepanov N. P.
Trubitsina E. N.
Temperature Dependence of the Reflection Spectra of the Plasma Crystal Bi0,6Sb1,4T e3 in the Temperature Range of 78 K – 292 K
Tolpaev V. A.
Gogoleva S. A.
Mathematical Models for Data Processing of Gas-Hydrodynamic Researches of Wells
Kholodovsky S. Y.
Yefimova I. A.
Optimal placement of Drainage Under the Concrete Dam with an Elliptical Base2
Kholodovsky S. Y.
On the Solution of Regional Value Problems for the Poisson Equation in Flat Areas Bounded with Strongly and Weakly Permeable Films Connected in Series
Tsynguev B. Т.
Team Formation Problem on the Base of Ontology Model of Competency

Bordonskaya L. A.
Physics and Culture
Serebryakova S. S.
Galileo Galilei: Truth through Telescope Lenses (Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of the Birth of Galileo Galilei and the 405thAnniversary of Telescopic Astronomy Era)
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SCHOLARLY NOTES Of Transbaikal State University Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology