Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. Vol. 11, №3 2016


Zakharova Y. Y.
Zasukhina V. N.
Gordeeva N. S.
The Specifics of Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Reproduction of Social Qualities of the Population
Medvedeva S. M.
Litvak N. V.
Scientists and Journalists: in Search of Mutual Understanding
Ryazanova S. V.
Religious Conflict as Non-Religious: Form, Content, Structure
Tomskikh M. S.
Knowledge Management as a Basis for Ensuring the Quality of Life
Chayka L. N.
Children’s Health and its Saving as a Problem of Russian Society
Shevchenko A. A.
Public Morality and Collective Action

Bernyukevich T. V.
Reception of Buddhism in Russia and Questions of Formation of Russian Culture
Wang Kewen
Language Contacts of China and Russia
Konopleva N. A.
Antipova S. S.
The Metaphor in Texts of Russian Poets of the 19–20th Centuries as Representation of Social and Cultural Codes of the World Picture
Namsaraeva T. T.
National Traditional Culture of Russians of Trekhrechie (China): History and the Present
Romanenko T. V.
Orthodoxy as a Factor of Communication Between Chinese and Russian Cultures
Tykheeva Y. T.
Two-Faced Janus of Eurasian World

Gusev S. S.
Situational Contexts of Intellectual Actions
Kononov S. V.
Mythmaking as a Semiotic Element of Discourse about China in Transbaikal Region: Theoretical Aspects
Sokolov S. G.
The Influence of Social Myth-Making on the “German” Identity Revival in Transbaikal Region

Vorotilkina I. M.
Chugunova N. Y.
Comparative Analysis of Indicators of Older People’s Life Quality and Wellbeing in Russia and Israel
Liga , M. B.
Evaluation of the Quality of Services Provided to the Population by the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Hope”, Trans-Baikal Territory
Rusanova A. A.
Nomokonov M. V.
Sociological Support of Implementation of Regulatory Legal Acts as a Factor of Effectiveness of Regional Authorities
Attitude towards Police Activity of Transbaikal Region

Bazhenova N. G.
Self-Organization of Students in Higher Education Institutions: an Evolutionary Approach
Dugarova D. T.
Starostina S. E.
Cherepanova L. V.
Expert Training as a Factor of Independent Assessment of Quality of Social Services
Ivanov S. A.
Implementation of Requirements of Professional Standards of Pedagogical and Administrative Personnel as the Factor of Transition to the Effective Contract in Higher School
Romanova , I. V.
Babello A. V.
Statistical Comparison of Time Budget of Students from Various Universities
Semyonova A. A.
Zarubin V. G.
On the Question of Formation of Civil Identity and Tolerance of Modern Student Youth: Sociological Aspect
Shklyar N. V.
Karynbaeva O. V.
Profession of a Teacher-Speech Pathologist and its Social Significance
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Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work