Series Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Socioiogy № 4(63), №4 2015

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Series Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Socioiogy

Zhukov A. V.
Zhukova A. A.
The Influence of the Great Patriotic War’s Image on the Actualization of Contemporary Social Problems of Veterans of Transbaikal State University
Isakov A. V.
The Axiological Status of Parenthood in Contemporary Russian Society
Wielecki K.
Partly Free: Doubleness of Post-soviet Entrepreneurship
Karpovich V. N.
Normativity and Logic
Polyakov D. B.
Anarcho-capitalism. The Absence of Power and Free Market Economy
Subbotina N. D.
Laughter as a Form of Inter-Group and Intra-Group Relations
Shevchenko A. A.
The Reality and Individual in Contemporary Political Philosophy
Jawlowski A.
Method of Analysis of Visual Material as a Technique of Field Research
Yangutov L. E.
Tsyrenov C. T.
On the Relationship Between Buddhism and Confucianism in the Period of its Development in China in the Wei (220–265 AD), Jin (265–410 AD), Northern and Southern Kingdoms Eras (420–589 AD)2. (Basedon the Works of Medieval Thinkers)
Yartsev R. A.
Rationality in the Structure of Science

Bernyukevich T. V.
Buddhism in M. Voloshin’s Life and Work: «My First Religious Grade»
Vinogradova N. I.
Socio-Psychological Support of the Teacher in Service Training System
Drobnaya E. V.
Icon Painting Senses of Collegiality in the Works of Modern Orthodox Artists
Zamoshnikova N. N.
The System of Higher Education’s Development in the Russian Federation From 1990 to 2015: a Look From the Region
Titareva L. D.
Female Prose in Transbaikal Region as a Sociocultural Phenomenon

Beygulenko O. V.
Ardashova Y. I.
Social Escort of Disabled People in Zabaikalsky Krai
Zhamsaranov Z. B.
Analysis of the Structure of Occupational Diseases Among Recipients of Insurance Coverage Registered in the State Institution – Zabaikalsky Regional Office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2007–2013.
Zarubin V. G.
Volkovitckaya G. A.
Knowledge-Based Economy as a Factor in the Formation of New Quality Partnerships Between the Higher Educational Institutions and the Employers
Kasyanova E. I.
Teaching in the Higher Educational Institution and Professional Orientation of Students (Results of Sociological Research)
Liga , M. B.
Shapieva A. V.
The Problems of Staffing in the Sphere of State Youth Policy (Based on Materials of the Transbaikalye Territory)
Maksimova S. G.
Noyanzina O. E.
Goncharova N. P.
Omelchenko D. A.
Avdeeva G. S.
Сonditions of Forming of Russian National Identity of Contemporary Russia (on the Example of Researches in Altai Region)
Nemirova N. V.
Historical Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Experience of Qualitative Social Research
Sapozhnikovа T. I.
Socio-Gerontological Characteristic of Old Age and Aging as a Life Cycle Phase
Semyonova A. A.
To the Question of the Value Priorities of the Legislature at the Regional Level: the Sociological Aspect
Tomskikh A. A.
Spivachuk V. A.
Model of Independent Assessment of Education Quality in Zabaikalsky Krai
Shjotkina I. A.
Zakharova Y. Y.
Okuneva N. I.
Young Teachers Attitude to the Teaching Profession: Sociological Analysis