Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Vol. 14, №2 2019

    Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education

Vandanova E. L.
Formation of teachers’ qualification on the prevention of extremism ideas distribution in children’s environment
Novitskaya V. A.
Arkhipova A. A.
Model of young pedagogues integration into the profession: from concept to implementation
Pisarenko D. A.
Evaluation of extracurricular activities effectiveness of university students in the context of the competency-based approach
Ulzytuyeva A. I.
Makarova A. A.
Formation of professional competences of the young age groups’ future teacher
Chernova E. P.
Savinova L. Y.
Independent assessment of the student training quality for preschool and primary general education: experience of conducting FIEB and analysis of results

Afanasyeva A. B.
Ethnostudio «Springs. Introduction to ethnography» as means of harmonization of ethnic and civil identity of school students
Vinogradova N. I.
Khodyukova T. A.
Kokhan S. T.
Psychological factors for the viability of students with disabilities
Zhigalova O. P.
Formation of the educational environment in the conditions of digital transformation of society
Timoshenko L. V.
Krylova N. M.
System-structural and activity approaches as a methodological basis for promoting the amplification of development and self-development in preschoolers of cognitive and verbal activities in their interrelation
Lopsonova Z. B.
Model planning or the regional program in infant schools
Yafizova R. I.
Nichiporenko L. K.
The economic socialization of older preschoolers: formation of ideas for children about the value of money

Shaydurova N. V.
Shaydurova N. S. Possibilities of graphic activity in preparation of children for writing under the conditions of the Federal state educational standard implementation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. Pp. 130–136. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-2-130-136.
Shibaeva A. A.
Ovchinnikova E. I.
Srulevich S. A.
Simulation of physical and educational activities of preschool children with a focus on preparation for implementation of the RLD standards
Verbenets A. M.
Approaches to the design of diagnostic tools to identify the experience of visiting museums of modern preschool children
Dubeshka N. G.
Мonitoring mechanisms of education quality management in a preschool education institution
Mayer A. A.
Grishina G. N.
Psychology of parents’ attitude in preschool education
Rudenko I. V.
Nikolaesku I. A.
Implementation of the technological approach in educational activities on the speech development of preschoolers
    Scientific Life

Without a competent teacher there is no full development of a child (interview with A. I. Ulzytueva)
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Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Vol. 14. No. 2